Sharing Wisdom in Innovation for Humanity.
18th-21st Sept 2017
Be Inspired to Grow your Business and Community Beyond 2030.
We are collaborating to achieve
the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals,
we have the opportunity to make an amazing contribution to Humanity.
There are 4 themes for the 4 days;
18th Sep Day 1 - The Living Earth. Opening Ceremony. Earth Science & Technology for Creating New Eco-Smart Cities and Communities.
19th Sep Day 2 - Our Innovative World Youth
20th Sep Day 3 - B Corps & Sustainable Global Business, Ethical Investing & Finance.
21st Sep Day 4 - Designing & Building New Eco Smart Communities. International Peace Day - Closing Ceremony
By Day 4 we will have shared the innovation wisdom of water, microbal and energy technologies to partner with the incredible new Earth Science that continues to pour forth from all regions of our Planet. We will have created space and time for our innovative world youth to collaborate with our business and not for profit communities in a way that will propel our human endeavours into socially responsible and environmentally friendly business partnerships that will create financially viable eco-smart sustainable development projects that include climate responsive buildings and communities.
Closing Ceremony will be a Water Ceremony for Peaceful Communities on the Bank of the Torrens River, Lead by Michiko Hayashi of the Emoto Peace Project from Japan.
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UniSA City East 108 North Terrace Adelaide. Day1-3 H2:02 Building. Day 4 C3:16 Building
Click on the Menu tabs for more Information about speakers and the content for each day.