Day 1. The Living Earth. Earth Science & Technology for Creating New Eco-Smart Cities and Communities.
9:45am Registrations
10am Networking & Introductions
11:10am Katie Teague - The Brilliance and Beauty of Earth - short film.
11:30am Key Note Speaker: James McMath. Founder & CEO Pristina Inc. “Crystal Water and Beneficial Microbes: The Key to Planetary Transformation”
12:30 pm Lunch
1 pm Ken Bellamy. CEO VRM Biologik. Progress in the fields of microbial bioremediation and organic agriculture.
2pm Video Presentation: Professor Gerald Pollack. University of Washington.
3:20 pm Michiko Hayashi. Emoto Peace Project.
Break out Session: 4:15 - 5:30pm Break out session for Water & Microbal Technologies and Strategies.
6:30pm Dinner with Todays Speakers. Q&A