Day 4. Designing and Building New Eco Smart Communities.
By Day 4 we will have shared the innovation wisdom of water, microbal and energy technologies to partner with the incredible new Earth Science that continues to pour forth from all regions of our Planet. We will have created space and time for our innovative world youth to collaborate with our business and not for profit communities in a way that will propel our human endeavours into socially responsible and environmentally friendly business partnerships that will create financially viable eco-smart sustainable development projects that include climate responsive buildings and communities.
9:30 Registrations
10am Sue Gilbey. Bremen Peace Award Recipient. International Peace Day.
10:20. Brett Aylen - Architect. Climate Responsive Design. Future Homes and Small Commercial Buildings
11am. Andrew Olivier - Global EcoVillage Network." Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) - laboratories of alternative living - insights inspiring new community paradigms that help humanity live in harmony with themselves and the Earth"
This 45 minute talk looks at how ecovillages have pioneered different ways of living together and how this offers real alternatives to today's problems of poverty, consumerism, alienation and environmental damage. Andrew will talk about the start of a collaborative venture with Remark Paringa to develop an Ecovillage.
12pm Lunch & Networking
12:30 pm Jeremy Miller. Form Follows Function?
Permaculture Principles and Urban Planning – can the two be connected? A resiliency based vision for designing and retrofitting urban settlements.
1:20pm: Nathan Smith.
2pm Panel Hosted by Ken Long.
Including. Brett Aylen, Jeremy Miller, James McMath. Global Collaboration to Create New Communities & Cities. Continues with a design workshop at 4:15pm
* 3PM Closing Ceremony will be a Water Ceremony on the Torrens River, Lead by Michiko Hayashi Global Director of the Emoto Peace Project from Japan. * Additional tickets for non-conference attendees can be purchased for $15 on Eventbrite.
*4:15PM Break Out Session Lead by Brett Aylen - Architect.
Activating South Australia to create jobs that reach beyond 2030.
Designing and Building climate responsive communities with Zero Waste Bio Parks.
6:30pm Dinner with Todays Speakers.