Open State Event
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Oct 5th Creating Eco-Smart Communities with Innovation Wisdom.
Venue: Mache Co-Working Space - Whitmore Terrace Adelaide. 7pm - 9:30pm
Our Panel will Present the Innovation Wisdom that came from the Global collaboration conference themes on What we can do as a global city to create new Eco-smart communities that honour humanity in harmony with the Earth. This will be followed by a Think Tank Session to Create New Ideas to inspire action in our global community.
Day 1 The Living Earth - New Earth Science & Technology for Creating New Eco-Smart Zero Waste Communities
Day 2 Our Innovative World Youth
Day 3 Sustainable Innovative Business, Investing and Ethical Finance
Day 4 Designing & Building New Eco-Smart Zero Waste Communities
Panel Members:
Brett Aylen, Award winning Architect, Zero Carbon HouseKen Long Adelaide, Sustainable Building Network
Lachlan Etherton, Founder getmoova - smart wrist device
Jayne Mason, Founder Being Creative Solutions. Collaboration Projects for Sustainable Development beyond 2030.
Additional Panel Member to be announced