James McMath
Founder / CEO, Pristina Inc
Biomimicry: A New Way of Doing Business.
JAMES MCMATH, MPA, is the Co-Founder and CEO of an innovative new business called Pristina Organics, a B-Corp based in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. James will be speaking on the intriguing topic of “Biomimicry: A New Way of Doing Business”. James submits that the next economic wave, following the high-tech cyber revolution, will be the introduction of new organic sciences that are based on applying the princi¬ples of “biomimicry”. This new alternative approach seeks longterm, sus¬tainable solu¬tions to human chal¬lenges by emu¬lating, rather than altering, nature’s time-tested patterns and strategies for optimum health and viability.
“A sustainable world already exists!” James contends, “Humans are cleaver, but we have created massive sustainability problems for future generations by attempting to outsmart and subjugate nature. Fortunately, solutions to these global challenges are all around us. Our challenge now is to recognize that humans are a vital part of nature, rather than separate, and that all lifeforms play an integral role in the health and viability of the whole. Rather than being the virulent ‘takers’ of nature’s precious resources, our fundamental role as a sentient species is to be the mindful ‘caretakers’ of our highly interconnected planet!”
James asserts that there are thousands of new businesses emerging around the world that are highly devoted to applying the principles of biomimicry and are coming up with excep¬tionally imaginative ways for creating a healthier world for future generations to enjoy! These new ways of doing business mark an impor¬tant paradigm shift of moving away from the old mechanistic, suppressive approaches and are steadily pro¬gressing towards new bioregenerative solutions that move us closer and closer to sustainable ways of living that value the worth and essentiality of all lifeforms!
James will be speaking specifically on important discoveries that are being made in the field of micro-biology, which are the earliest lifeforms on the planet. Modern science is just beginning to under¬stand the intricate complexities and interdependencies of these microscopic beings that keep the higher lifeforms in homeostasis and healthy balance. James’ new company, Pristina Organics, is working specifically with the combination of vital crystal water with beneficial microorganisms, wherein these regenerative formu¬lations offer proven means for dramatically cleansing and restor¬ing the health of the planet’s soils, waters, and atmos¬phere by applying the technologies that nature has been using for billions of years!
At the forefront of this challenge is discovering how to best apply these practices of biomimicry into our everyday lives. Where significant strides are being made is in the field of sustainable agriculture. By utilizing systems of what is termed “bioaugmentation”, microbial formulations are able to dramatically increase the yields of organic agriculture over those of toxic agrochemical farming, while simultaneously reducing the oversaturation of carbon in our atmospheres and safely restoring them back into our soils – thus quickly reversing the harmful and deadly impacts of global warming!
The key component that is missing in this earth-saving scenario is discovering sufficient means for producing organic fertilizers in high volumes. Once microbial cultures are effectively restored into the topsoils, they need adequate sources of carbon-based foods for their continued survival. Through proper applica¬tions of toxin-consuming microorganisms, biosolid wastes from wastewater treatment plants and landfill operations can successfully be recycled into quality-grade organic fertilizers. James has therefore launched an initiative that creates new green enterprises to help build strong local economies through the introduction of what he calls “Zero Waste BioParks”. These would be comprehensive resource recovery recycling centers created adjacent to wastewater treatment plants in what are termed “enterprise zones”. Although the primary objective would be to create locally-produced organic fertilizers, these bioparks would also effectively utilize the agricultural-grade discharge waters from the treatment plants for adjoin-ing community gardens, greenhouse nurseries, hydroponic farms, blue-green algae, biofuel, earth¬worm, bee, fishery, poultry, livestock, solar energy farms and other commercial operations. This diversifi¬cation model creates a truly integrated business park operation, wherein the wastes of one operation become resources for other operations until a full-circle closed-loop “Zero Waste BioPark” is created. Once success¬fully demonstrated, this prototype model could be replicated virtually anywhere around the world!
Thematic Videos: Spiritual Ecology, https://youtu.be/P9gVGfIYLRA
©2015 Pristina Natural Beverages • 1213A Mercantile Road • Santa Fe, NM 87507 • 505-216-1111 • info@pristinanatural.com