Fuzzy Trojan
Founder, CoHousing Associaton of SA
Fuzzy Trojan’s life has certainly been adventure packed and never boring. It began with bombs and bullets wreaking havoc all around him and Hitler wanting to send him to the gas chamber. Luckily he escaped as a refugee-holocaust survivor and came by boat to Australia. Since leaving his birth city of Vienna he has had two more near death experiences, nine careers and volunteered for twenty five not for profit organizations from school committee member to Chair of a Ministerial Committee. He is currently founder “South Australian Co-housing Association”, committee member The South Australian Multi Faith Association and board member of the Graham Smith Peace Foundation. He has worked with both the powerful and the powerless, pioneered numerous social innovations and helped establish well known public projects such as Rundle Mall and the O-Bahn bus-way. He has performed on stages, busked on beaches, done magic, made music and told stories. He constructed his first cubbyhouse in grade five, progressed to renovating old houses and finally to building new ones. He planted a thousand or more trees and has always striven to become a better person. His widespread experience as a teacher, university lecturer, social researcher, marketing manager, consultant, business owner, company director, entertainer, communicator, volunteer manager, woodcrafter and builder, gives him depth and insight.
Social innovations;
One of 5 partners who established Elder Mews – Adelaide City’s first co-housing project.
Established “Marketprobe Research” a social and market research company.
Developed community engagement and conflict management strategies used by the Department of Transport, (Morphettville bus depot and the O-Bahn bus-way) Engineering and Water Supply Department (River Murray Salinity Control Program and Adelaide Hills Water Quality Management Program), Adelaide City Council (Rundle Mall), Unley Council (Community Planning Strategy).
Produced the State Government’s first two Environmental Impact Statements on the Morphettville Bus depot and River Murray Salinity Control.
Established the Hindmarsh Rollodrome, Adelaide’s first roller disco.
Established Adelaide’s first worker’s cooperative (The Hindmarsh Youth Co-operative) under Dunstan legislation.
Established the Co-Housing Association of South Australia (COHASA).